By Melanie Hasty-Grant

What Money Personality are You?

Money is a funny thing. Folks will tell you just about anything about themselves before they will talk about money. It is such a taboo topic that many parents don’t even talk about it with their children. Why is that? Is the topic really that delicate and intimate that it needs to be avoided?

Will Smith said it best when he stated, “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” As sure as the sky is blue, money is a part of life. It has many personalities; here are a few!

The High Roller – This is the type that is all in, no holding back. They believe that the bigger the risk, the better. They may win the jackpot, or they may go home with their tail between their legs. The thrill of the chase is the driving force behind this money personality.

The Bean Counter – This person saves for a rainy day. They are bargain hunters. Bean Counters refuse to pay full price for clothing, food, or entertainment. They are sometimes perceived as a cheapskate. These folks are very resourceful. However, sometimes they miss out on the fun of living everyday life.

The Penny Priest – This group tends to have of strong religious or political ties in regards to their finances. They have been led to believe that money is the root of all evil. Good, bad or indifferent, money is a way to obtain basic necessities, and support charitable causes.

The Budget Buster – These are the spenders of the group. They believe money is earned to be spent. Budget Busters have a spend first, think later mentality. Earning and spending money is part of life. Living above your means shouldn’t be! You don’t need to keep up with The Joneses. That is a slippery slope.

The Duck and Cover – This money personality doesn’t want anything to do with finances. They ignore they even exist. Either they don’t feel at ease talking about the subject, or they feel as though their time is better spent on other things. Money isn’t something to be afraid of. Being aware of your finances isn’t frightening. If you check regularly, they won’t be such a shock at the end of the month.

The Worry Wart – These money personalities question every purchase that they make. From a cup of coffee to a car, money is always on their mind. They hope they spend it wisely. They think about the worst case scenario in regards to the markets, their accounts, and finances as a whole. Every decision is monumental in their mind. In truth, in might not be.

Whether you are a spender, saver, gambler or avoider, it takes all kinds of kinds. The trick is finding balance when it comes to your money.

For help finding balance with your finances and your investments, give us a call. We can help. For more information go to or call 918-272-1120.

Melanie Hasty-Grant, Experienced Licensed Professional Counselor and Managing Principal at Waterstone Private Wealth Management.

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